Verse 1
He’ll never fail, He’ll never leave your side
He’s not a man, that He should lie
He loves you more than you could ever know
What He says He will do
Pre Chorus
He will lift you up through the storm
He won’t let you drown
Cast your cares upon the Lord
Hold on to His word
If He did it before, He’ll do it again
Don’t you lose hope now, He’ll do it again
If you’ve come this far, don’t give up now
If He did it before, He’ll do it again
Verse 2
He is faithful to complete what He started
Oh my soul shout for joy
He is able to deliver me,
So I will put my trust in the power of His name
Pre Chorus
He will lift you up through the storm
He won’t let you drown
Cast your cares upon the lord
Hold on to His word
If He did it before, He’ll do it again
Don’t you lose hope now, He’ll do it again
If you’ve come this far, don’t give up now
If He did it before, He’ll do it again
When my strength is failing
He’ll catch me when I fall
Rock of ages cleft for me
Oh when my soul is burdened
I look upon the cross and I know my redeemer lives
Chorus till fade