I wanna glide to the moon
And zoom into a bloom of stars
Hard Hard dreams that hardly come true
When I look through the July sky
Future so bright as angels walk by
Cool Cool dreams that truly come true
If I believe it, then I can do it too
Heaven Help me (2ce)
To do this and make the right choices
Storms will come, but its just an ice storm in a glasscup Yoo!!
My Destiny is not of chance game
It’s a matter of a choice
My future is not a waiting game
It’s a thing to be achieved
My courage is no fear + my prayers
Yes Success is itching and burning my skin
Whether the weather be hot
Whether the weather be cold
Whatever the weather
Common guys, Common guys, let’s do this together
Whether the weather be hot
Whether the weather be cold
Whatever the weather
Common girls, Common girls, let’s do this together