Jabulani, Jabu Jabulani (4x)
The life I live
I live by faith
In the son of God who loves me (4x)
Chorus 1
I have been crucified with Christ
It’s no longer I who lives
Now I am free from guilt and fear
I’m no longer bound
I walk in righteousness and power
Cos he’s my rock and my salvation
It’s all because I’m crucified in Christ
And Christ alone I stand
I am free
Chorus 2
I am free (2×)
I came from a place where
everyone tried to forget there
t’was never my dream how I got here
no peace and joy when I leave here like
I wanna be free wanna break free
used to be blind but now I see
now I see that great light all of my past is gone now
I’m born again I’m a new man I was born to reign
Christ in me means no more shame
I’m dead to sin now I live in fame
I’m free to fly spread my wings above the sky
Speaking in tongues gets me high lift my hands to the most high
Free to lift my hands in worship
Free to lift my hands in praise
Free to dance and shout before him
Cos it all belongs to him
No longer bound to fear
my chains he broke away
Crucified crucified
My new identity
Chorus 2
Guitar interlude
Chorus 2