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I have searched through out the world
But I never see your type o
(No one like our God)
The great I am that I am
The Lord of Lord and king of all kings
He is the lamb that was slain
I call Him my redeemer
The waymaker my guide
The giver of hope and a new life
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Many people put their trust
In horses and chariots
(To make it through the day)
And other rely on the wisodm of mortal men
But I will put my hope in Christ
The rock that cannot be moved
He is my light and my shield
A Father that can never fail
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(I know Yes I know)
(I know Yes I know)
I am serving the God of miracles
(I know Yes I know)
There is no other name like the name of Jesus
(I know Yes I know)
There is no other God that is like our God, Yes
(I know Yes I know)
If you belive in your heart then rise up and say
(I know Yes I know)
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