(Sung in Zulu – A Hymn)
Lenan’iZulu ngeculo lam’ (The heavens rejoice because of my song)
Ngithethelelw’ izono zam’ (My sins have been forgiven)
UJesu wafa endaweni yam’ (Jesus died in my place)
Zonk’ izono zami zikude nam’ (And now my sins are far from me)
Njeng’ ehlukane yemphumalanga (As the east is separate)
Mentshonalanga, zikude le’ (And far from the west)
Ushilo njalo,akanamanga (He promised, and he does not lie)
Ngithemba kuye, ngimboga nje (My trust is in Him, I praise Him)
Nal’enjabulo esingenayo (This joy that I have in me)
Ngingeyaphucwe, umuntu qha (No man can take it away)
Noma ngihlezi ngizidla ngayo (Though I sit proud of it .?.)
Imiyalo yakhe, ngab’inzima na (His commands are not difficult)
Uhlala kimi ngihlalo kuye (He lives in me, and I in Him)
Nguyen’owenz’ umsebenzi la (He’s the one works in me)
Ozinikela aphathwe nguye (Whoever surrenders to Him)
Uyamnqobela zonk’ izitha nya (His enemies He will conquer)
Yobeke nawe (Woe unto you) x3
Ongakholwa (The unbeliever)
Uyabizel’ (You who have not been called) x3
Enhlanhleni la (To this great fortune)
Lomus’ongaka …? (This great Grace ?)
Wanele bonke, umusa lo (This Grace is sufficient)
View other songs by: Solly Mahlangu 3