Unto us a child is born this day
And to us a son is given
And the government shall be upon
His shoulders yes it will
Rejoice, rejoice immanuel
Hark the herald angels sing
Rejoice and sing
Joy to the world the lord is come
Rejoice and sing
Angels we have heard on high
Rejoice and sing
Born is the king of israel….
Immanuel shall be his name
He is God here now with us
And he shall reign forevermore
In heaven and on earth
Rejoice rejoice immanuel
Shall come to thee o israel 2x
Go tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go tell it on the mountains
Born is the king of israel
Rejoice rejoice immanuel
shall come to thee o israel
Rejoice rejoice immanuel
Shall come to thee o Israel
Shall come to thee o Israel
Shall come to thee o Israel
Shall come to thee o Israel
Shall come to thee o Israel