Here’s what it means to be righteous
Here’s what it means to be free
Christ paid my debt on a wooden cross
Bore all my sins on a tree
When I rebelled still His love was strong
His blood shed so I may be healed
Freely He forgave my every wrong
The grace of my Savior revealed
He calls me holy
He calls me worthy
It’s who I am
I’m the righteousness of God
In spite of all I’ve done
He gave me pardon
Here I stand
I’m the righteousness of God
You are righteous
You declared me righteous
Forever righteous
In Christ Jesus
You are righteous
You declared me righteous
Eternally righteous
In Christ Jesus
You call me holy
You call me worthy
It’s who I am
I’m the righteousness of God
No work that I’ve done
Could earn my pardon
Here I stand
I’m the righteousness of God
It’s who I am
I’m the righteousness of God