They that wait upon the Lord
Shall renew their strength
They shall mount up with wings as eagle
They shall run and not be weary
They shall walk and not faint
For the Lord is their strength
They shall mount up with wings as eagle
They shall walk and not faint
They that wait upon the Lord
Shall renew their strength
They shall mount up with wings as eagle
They shall run and not be weary
They shall walk and not faint
For the Lord is their strength
They shall mount up with wings as eagle
They shall walk and not faint
He gives power to the faint
And strength to them with no might
Even the youth shall faint and be weary
And the young men shall fall
He gives power to the faint
And strength to them with no might
Even the youth shall faint and be weary
And the young men shall fall
I will wait upon the Lord
To renew my strength
I will mount up with wings as eagle
I will run and not be weary
I will walk and not faint
For the Lord is my strength
I will mount up with wings as eagle
I will walk and not faint
I will wait upon the Lord
To renew my strength
I will mount up with wings as eagle
I will run and not be weary
I will walk and not faint
For the Lord is my strength
I will mount up with wings as eagle
I will walk and not faint
Do you not know
Have you not heard
That the everlasting God
Creator of the earth
He does not faint
Neither is he weary
There is no searching
Of his understanding
There is no searching
Of his understanding
I will wait upon the Lord
I will wait upon the Lord
I will wait upon the Lord
I will wait upon the Lord
Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh Judah Judah Judah Ehhh…
Intro Just a little time we will leave this world, Just a little time and we will live no more…
You beautify me you sustain me you glorify yourself in my life Iwo ni adun aye mi You show up…
For we are not drunk with wine in excess but we are filled with the Holyghost we are not drunk…
Thank you thank you thank you I have come to thank you Lord you have been so good to me…
Baba I thank you o o o I thank you o o o I thank you o o o I…
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