Verse 1
Weh re tine
(You’re here)
We be yoya evedevioma
(Moving in this place)
Me ji ro we(x2)
(I worship you)
Weh re tine
(You’re here)
Weh bi riruo evetinena
(Moving in this place)
Me ji ro we(x2)
(I worship you)
Ose we re ti ne
(Father you’re here)
We be ro obo tu udu owho kpobi
(Touching very heart)
Me ji ro we(x2)
(I worship you)
Ono me dhere, ose ri igbunu, ota no ru
(Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper)
Elo vi biebi
(Light in the darkness)
Owho no we roh e
(That’s who you are)
Verse 2
Weh re tine
(You’re here)
We be ro obo tu udu owho kpobi
(Touching very heart)
Me ji ro we(x2)
(I worship you)
Olori we re ti ne
(Lord you’re here)
Weh be wene akpo owho kpobi
(Changing every lives)
Me ji ro we(x2)
(I worship you)
Ovie no vi vie weh re ti ne
(King of kings you’re here)
Weh be ku udu owho kpobi udhedhe
(You’re here, giving evryone peace of mind)
Me ji ro we(x2)
(I worship you)
Weh sio ovie nu ubiaru ma no
(You wipe away tears)
Weh te ko ma udhu dhedhe
(You mend the broken heart)
Weh uyo ko owho kpobi Jesu
(You’re the answer to it all Jesus)