Holy are you God, worthy is your name
Holy are you God, worthy is your name (3x)
There is no one like you, no one above you
There is no one like you God (2x)
You are alpha, omega, you are my father
There is no one like you God (2x)
We worship you, great and mighty God
We worship you, great and mighty God
We worship you Jesus, great and mighty God
We worship you Lord, great and mighty God
We honour you, great and awesome God
We glorify your holy name, great and awesome God
Great and awesome God you are, great and awesome you are
Great and awesome God you are, great and awesome God
Glory in the highest to the one who reigns forever and ever
In splendour and majesty, you rule for ever
Your name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Your name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, you rule forever
Your name is Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh, oh oh
Your name is Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh, you rule forever
You rule forever
Glory in the highest to the one who reigns forever and ever
In splendour and majesty, you rule for ever