Your love is so deep ooo….
Response: it’s hard to understand
Call: when I run you hold me back Respond: it’s hard to understand.
Call: Almighty God became a man. Respond: it’s hard to understand.
Call: I was dead you gave me life.Response: it’s hard to understand.
Call: I was bound you set me free. Response: it’s hard to understand.
Call: Your love is so deep, your love is so wide,
your love is so high is hard to understand.
The breadth is so wide, the length is high,
the depth is so deep is hard to understand.
You surprised me oh…
Response: you surprised me oh (2x)
Call: You gave your life for me…
Response: oh oh oh
How could I pay?
Call: your agape is so high oh… It’s so deep oh… It’s so wide oh…
Response: oh oh oh it’s hard to understand.
Call: E dey sweet me oh your love has captured me
Response: oh oh oh (3x) it’s hard to understand.
Call: Lord your love has captured me, Lord your is unfailing,
Lord your love is amazing, Lord your love is unconditional,
Lord your love has won my heart Your love oh Lord (2x)
Tell me why he took your place respond: Na love
Call: tell me why he died for you
Response: Na Love
call: tell me why he shed his blood
Response: Na Love
Call: tell me why He’s coming again
respond: Na love
Call: you surprise me oh
Response: You surprise me oh (2x) oh oh oh (3x)
Call: Jesus of Nazareth
Response: How could I pay.
Call: your agape is so wide oh… It’s so deep oh… It’s mighty oh…
Response: oh oh oh (3x) it’s hard to understand
Call: e dey sweet me oh (2x)
Response: oh oh oh….(3x)