i have got a lot of reasons
to celebrate a friend of many seasons
cant even fathom how a soul like paul was delivered from it all as a chief heathen
ine yesu ani pulumusa mwandi
chaka kuli beve kwati shaka kuli nandi
pompi ni yamene but vene vina chinja ni kwene ichosa manzi
i am not a boy no more i believe i am a man man
sure u be tired of the babylon tunes we gonna knock them aside like van damme
you better check the score we on the winning side and he says no man can
form any weapon against his children who light up the world like a lantern
tule shana, tule shana, tule shana jubilation
sister brother tell the other tule shana jubilation
its official you can put it on every banner
tule shana jubilation
oh yes i am a child of the messiah
tule shana jubilation
#verse 2#
the tracks that you made were major
why did you change, you were gonna make much more paper
now i cant recognise you, something like a total stranger
think about all your fans dude you wer gonna steer up some anger
iwe boi, its because of my saviour
gave me a sword, to protect me from earthly danger
why you cannot recognise me is because i am a brand new creature
anointed in the spirit now the music is off the metre
iyi pompi, its quenching by the litre
nima zusha zambezi hottest flow south of the equator
fullu fullu na menshi, mulwimbo melody na data
unlike many men i am so tired of being a faker
#verse 3#
ati uja
eve afuno nkala busa
kapena vintu vamu vuta
olo omulembela ma nyimbo ana kuka
kuonekela ama dulatimu lete pansi tifuniko mu sula
fulu na ma ganiso kuni pasa na linso iye monga na shula
ine mwine ni mvela sugargot no cape but i am feeling super
see you at the finish on heaven’s gate usa fikila na hoota
ati pee no key yo segula
me i am living my life for the future see
no longer the man that i used to be
i secured my wealth for eternity